
Its Ok

In a quiet town nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, there lived a girl named Lily. With her fiery spirit and searching eyes, she always felt a bit out of place. An enigma to those around her, Lily embraced her uniqueness with quiet strength.

As she walked through the town square, she would often whisper to herself:

“Take me or leave me; you don’t have to believe me.”

Her thoughts swirled like autumn leaves around her. She had a deep reservoir of words and songs inside her, waiting to be shared.

“All the words I have to say, all the songs that fly away,”

she mused, knowing her inner world was a treasure trove of untold stories and melodies. She believed that if people took the time to understand her, they would see the goodness within her.

“Take me or leave me; believe me, good will come,”

She thought, her heart brimming with hope.

Life wasn’t always easy for Lily, but she was resilient. During tough times, she would tell herself:

“It’s OK, you know I’ll live to fight another day.”

She had faced many challenges, yet always found a way to rise above them. She knew that no matter what obstacles came her way, she would persevere. She would repeat the words:

“It’s OK, you know I’ll live to find another way.”

Her beauty was undeniable but tinged with melancholy. People noticed the longing in her gaze and would often say:

“She’s as pretty as hell, and her eyes have no home.”

There was a time when her beauty was more radiant, but life’s hardships had taken some of that shine away. People would murmur:

“The beauty has run from your face, such beauty that hung from your face.”

Despite these observations, Lily knew her true beauty was something deeper, something that couldn’t be taken away.

One evening, as the sun set and painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, Lily found herself alone in the meadow near her home. She held a bottle of wine, a gift from a friend who believed in her unyielding spirit.

“And if you would drink this wine, you’ll shine,”

She thought, lifting the bottle to her lips. As she drank, she felt a warmth spread through her, a reminder that she still had the power to shine. She whispered into the twilight:

“It’s OK, you know I’ll live to fight another day.”

She knew she would find the words to express her innermost thoughts and feelings. She reassured herself:

“It’s OK, you know I’ll live to find the words to say.”

Lily’s journey was far from over, and she was determined to keep moving forward. With resolve, she vowed:

“It’s OK, you know I’ll live to find another way.”

And with that, she stood up, feeling a renewed sense of purpose, and declared:

“And if you would give me holy wine, I’ll shine.”

Her spirit lifted, and the world around her seemed to glow as she embraced her inner light. She whispered to the heavens, feeling the universe’s gentle affirmation:

“Shine on me.”

One last time, her voice steady and strong, Lily repeated the words:

“It’s OK, you know I’ll live to fight another day.
It’s OK, you know I’ll live to find the words to say.
It’s OK, you know I’ll live to find another way.”

With each step she took, she carried the promise of a brighter tomorrow, shining from within.