Duckduckgo over google.


People share their most intimate secrets with their search engine without even stopping to think. This can be little day to day things, massive life changing events, or just things that make you, pretty much you. All of this personal information should be private, but with Google it’s not. Google tracks your searches and packs it up into a data profile for advertisers to follow you around the Internet. Some people say that you can simply use incognito mode, but whats the fun in that when you can’t guarantee yourself that it’s actually doing what it’s said to do. To keep your searches private and out of data profiles you should consider using DuckDuckGo. Duck won’t track you one bit, regardless of what browsing mode you are currently running. Every time you do a search with Duck, you start fresh as if it’s your first time and you’ve never visited before. Duck doesn’t store anything that can link you to your searches. For more details you should consider reading their privacy policy….

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